The World: The Rosary Crusade as of December 31, 2009
Bishop Bernard Fellay asked the superiors of the SSPX Districts to forward to the General House the number of Rosaries recited through December 31 as part of the Rosary Crusade for the conversion of Russia launched last May and which will conclude March 25, 2010. The number of Rosaries recited by those who graciously submitted their tallies before the end of the Crusade comes to 7,095,272. As of today, February 6, there are only seven weeks left to reach the goal of 12 million.
During the conference he presented in Paris last January 9 at the Courrier de Rome Congress, the Superior General declared: “Twelve million is a symbolic number. One thinks of the 12 stars that accompany the ‘signum magnum’ spoken of in the Apocalypse, the great sign that appears in heaven, the Blessed Virgin surrounded by 12 stars (Apoc. 12:1). That’s the reason for the 12 million–to offer this crown to the Blessed Virgin. For I think that–it is very clear, if one considers it closely–yes, I think that there will be, since she announced it, a triumph of Mary. She announced it at Fatima too plainly for there to be any doubt.”
But earlier he had stated: “Twelve million is a lot, and that means that everybody needs to get busy, that’s for sure. I think that we may make it, given the enthusiasm and the effort that we’re putting into this prayer crusade. I cannot tell you anything more, except that we should certainly carry on. If you would like to do even a bit more, that wouldn’t be bad.”
Bishop Fellay concluded: “May Our Lady keep watch over us and make us grow in this faith, this fire, this love–truly, in this desire to see God our Lord reign in souls. So then, to your beads!”
(DICI No. 209, Feb. 6, 2010.—Source: FSSPX General House)