Zaitzkofen: Mary’s Fiat and the Subdiaconate

On March 25, two seminarians from Sacred Heart Seminary in Zaitzkofen, Germany— an Austrian and a Russian—were ordained subdeacons by Bishop Bernard Fellay. It was a special day: the Feast of the Annunciation, and the Saturday known as Sitientes, the traditional day of ordination, and the 32nd anniversary of the death of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.
The battle for souls rages on; and where are we? In fact, one might think that everything points to a defeat of God's fighters. What can two young subdeacons do with their step today? They seem to be sent like lambs among wolves.
However, the final victory over darkness has already been prepared for long ago in Mary's room, in a discreet and invisible way. Even though the devil and the world think they are safe, God is all powerful.
Bishop Fellay made the link between the sub-diaconal ordination and the feast of the Annunciation: the newly ordained were called by the Church into this same battle where Our Lady finds herself with her descendants and where they will crush the serpent’s head once and for all.
The two young men are henceforth and forever at the service of the Church, at the service of Mary; and the liturgical tasks of the subdeacon allow us to divine their future battlefield: they add water to the chalice, they therefore add to the sacrifice of Christ a human sacrifice, theirs, and thus completes, as St. Paul says, what is still lacking in the passion of Christ.
Then, among other things, they watch over the purity of the liturgical linen, and also the purity of the faithful, whose altar, which is Christ, is in some way clothed. This is why they are asked to lead an exemplary life and to read the epistle for the living and the dead. The crucifixion of our Lord was the apparent triumph of evil. But how wrong the evil spirits were!
Let us not lose heart in these times of crisis. Let us pray for the new sub-deacons: that they walk in the footsteps of Christ and devote themselves to the salvation of souls. For then it will be confirmed again that the providence of God and the sacrifice misunderstood by the world will bring change.
Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.
(Source : Priesterseminar Herz-Jesu – FSSPX.Actualités)