Spain Imposes Totalitarianism on its Citizens in the Form of Gender Ideology

The independent government of Andalusia published in its Official Journal the text of the law adopted on December 19, 2017, imposing gender ideology on every level, obliging schools to provide a specific course on it.
The text says this law “is based on the principle of non-discrimination” and that its goal is “to prevent ‘homophobic’ behaviour” on every level of society.
Consequently, the Andalusian government “will adopt the necessary measures to change educational content that implies discrimination based on sexual orientation”, and in order to “form the students” (sic), “the expression of gender is to be promoted”, through “appropriate educational methods encouraging recognition and respect for the rights of LGBT people”.
As for students who remain unconvinced by the gender ideology, beware: the government is determined to do everything necessary in schools to “detect, prevent, and protect against acts of discrimination or harassment”.
The new law ends by citing fines prescribed for transgressors, ranging from 6,000 to 120,000€. What better proof that the discrimination is not on the side they pretend it is on!
Sources: InfoCatólica / / FSSPX.News