The City of Jerusalem Has Decided to Tax the Christian Communities

The city of Jerusalem has decided to put an end to the historical tax exemption and demand 150 million euros from the Christian communities in the city.
Quoted by the newspaper La Croix, Brother David Grenier, one of the heads of the Custody of the Holy Land that guards the Holy Places in the name of the Catholic Church, recalled that in their 800 years in Jerusalem, the “Christian Churches” have never been subjected to local taxes. In 1901, in 1913, and again in 1947 when the State of Israel was created, this tradition was maintained and sealed by the law:
No taxation shall be levied in respect of any Holy Place, religious building or site which was exempt from taxation on the date of the creation of the State.
But the city council of Jerusalem, doubtless in need of cash, wishes to consider the Christian communities as taxpayers like everyone else from now on, and apply the city tax known as the “arnona” to them for all their real estate property other than places of worship.
The city council assessed the “debt” of 887 property owners at 657 million shekels (about $190 million), without providing the dates used as a basis for this backlog. According to the religious leaders quoted by AFP, the city council even had the bank accounts of several institutions frozen, considerably disturbing their operations.
In a joint statement published on February 14, 2018, the thirteen heads of the different “Churches and Christian Communities” recalled that “the civil authorities have always recognized and respected the great contribution of the Christian Churches, which invest billions in building schools, hospitals, and homes, many for the elderly and disadvantaged, in the Holy Land.” They declared that “such a measure both undermines the sacred character of Jerusalem, and jeopardizes the Church’s ability to conduct its ministry in this land on behalf of its communities and the world-wide church.”
The religious leaders asked the Municipality to “ensure that the status quo which was sanctioned by the sacred history is maintained, and the character of the Holy City of Jerusalem is not violated.”
Sources: La Croix / / FSSPX.News