17 December

From December 17 to 23, the Catholic Church prepares the feast of Christmas by singing at Vespers the great “O antiphons”. DICI presents them to you together with some meditations of Pope Pius XII.These texts highlight how the Child of the crib is the peaceful King who came to save all men and to reign over the nations.
O Sapientia, quæ ex ore Altissimi prodisti, attingens a fine usque ad finem, fortiter suaviter disponensque omnia : veni ad docendum nos viam prudentiæ. | O Wisdom, which camest out of the mouth of the Most High, reaching from one end to end,and ordering all things mightily and sweetly: Come and teach us the way of prudence. |
“The Infant lying at the crib of Bethlehem is the eternal Son of God made man, and His name is "Princeps Pacis," Prince of Peace. Prince and founder of peace, such is the character of the Savior and Redeemer of the whole human race. His sublime mission is to establish peace between each man and God, between men themselves and between peoples. This mission, however, and this desire for peace are not born of timidity and weakness, which can meet evil and the wicked only with resignation and patience. Everything in the frailty of the Babe of Bethlehem is hidden majesty and contained force, which only love restrains, in order to make the hearts of men capable of begetting and nurturing peace, and give them the strength to overcome and scatter all the forces that might compromise its life.”
Pius XII, radio message to the world, December 24 1951.