Bulgaria: Harry Potter on the Index

Source: FSSPX News


The Bulgarian Orthodox Church has launched a strong warning against Harry Potter, cautionning her faithful that the magic tricks “of this imaginary young wizard may be dangerous”. In the official newspaper of the church in Bulgaria, Mgr. Gavrail states that he disapproves of the books written by J.K. Rowling as well as the Harry Potter films, because in his opinion the magic presents a real danger.

The Church synod has recommended the faithful to go to a church in the capital, where special services are celebrated in order to help those who have been fallen victim to spells and curses, or who are possessed by evil spirits.

Posters have been put up in the towns, near to cinemas and children’s playgrounds, explaining that repeating the spells from the book, “amounts to praying to the devil” and that “God hates magic”. Harry Potter does not represent a force for good, these posters say, because that is the domain reserved to God alone.

“It is not a magic wand which will save you, but solely adherence to the Christian faith and the Ten Commandments,” explained Mgr. Gavrail in the daily paper, 24 Chiassa.