FSSPX News Wishes You a Holy 2024

Source: FSSPX News

FSSPX News wishes all its readers a holy and happy year—a year full of God’s grace and blessings.

For a Catholic, things are never fixed only in terms of balance of power, earthly powers, or the power of money, for all these elements remain infinitely inferior to the power of God. They are the means the devil knows how to manipulate, but Christ has conquered both the devil and the world.

At Christmas, the Savior was once again incarnated for us. He said again: “Here I am!” He once again contemplated the face of His Mother, the Virgin Mary, whom He filled with His gifts and in whom He can discover redemption at its point of perfection.

Then He turned His gaze toward St. Joseph, the patron of the universal Church, who has protected Mary and the Child Jesus since the Flight into Egypt, and who protects us with them.

He also looked at the shepherds, these simple men who believed in the message of the angels and who are now gathered around the divine Child. They are the first to gather around Him, before the powerful who will soon be represented by the Magi.

Through them, it is us whom the divine Child looks at and loves with the infinite love of His Heart. Each of us receives a particular love from this God incarnate, a love which contains the whole path of sanctification which will lead us into this Kingdom, which He came to give us by taking our nature.

So, let us pray beside the manger, consider the divine Word, God of God, Light of Light, and let us be illuminated by His Intelligence, His Love and His Strength for the whole year to come.

Let us also ask the most pure Virgin to prepare our souls to receive this ineffable gift and to teach us to remain around the manger, around the only reality that can count for us, Jesus Christ, and to associate us with His triumph, after which He will have associated us with His tribulations.