Little Catechism of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mary, Mother of God
Preliminary question
Why did Christ Want to be Born of a Woman?
I. The divine maternity in relation to God and to Christ
1) According to time
Mary is the True Mother of Jesus as a Man
Mary is the True Mother of God
The Grace of the Divine Maternity
2) The divine maternity in the eternal plan
The Predestination of the Virgin Mary
The Virgin Mary’s “Fiat”
II. The divine maternity in the Blessed Virgin herself
A) According to the perfection of her soul
1) Immunity from sin
The Virgin Mary Preserved From Original Sin
The Virgin Mary Never Committed a Sin
Can Any Imperfection Be Found in Mary?
The Sufferings Endured by Mary Had No Value of Punishment
2) Grace in the Virgin
The Fullness of Grace in Mary
The Virtues and the Supernatural Gifts of the Mother of God
The Growth of Grace in the Mother of God
Should Every Perfection Be Attributed to the Mother of God?
B) According to the perfection of her body
1) The conception of the Mother of God
Was the Mother of God Subject to Bodily Deficiencies?
2) The virginity of the Mother of God
Did the Mother of God Remain a Virgin in Conceiving Christ?
Did the Mother of God Remain a Virgin During Childbirth?
Did the Mother of God Remain a Virgin After Childbirth?
Did the Mother of God Take a Vow of Virginity?
Must the Woman Who Would Give Birth to Christ Be Married?
3) The glorification of the Mother of God
The Assumption of the Mother of God
III. The divine maternity in relation to us
1) The compassion of the Mother of God
The Mother of God Shared in the Passion of Christ
2) The acquisition of the grace of salvation through the Virgin
Did the Virgin Mary Merit Our Salvation?
Was Mary’s Compassion Satisfaction for Our Sins?
Did Mary’s Compassion Cause Our Salvation as a Sacrifice?
Has Mary’s Compassion Been Co-redemptive?
3) The communication of graces through the Virgin
The Mother of God’s Mediation of All Graces (1)
The Mother of God’s Mediation of All Graces (2)
Is the Mother of God Queen?
Is the Mother of God Our Mother?
4) The worship due to the Mother of God and the Mother of men
The Worship Due to the Mother of God
Consecration to Mary According to St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort
Illustration : Flickr / Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P. (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)