Devotion to the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

All the Saints achieved sanctity by meditating upon the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. By this devotion, we have an irresistible and proven method to advance in our love for Our Divine Master as well as overcoming all our personal faults.
The Passion of Jesus is also a treasure-house whose wealth will never suffer devaluation and obtains for us from the Eternal Father, Who cannot resist this devotion, all of those graces essential to our salvation as well as to that of others.
This is the reason for which the Crucifix occupies a place of Honour upon our altars, our Churches, our tombstones, in Christian bedrooms as well as in the households of Christian families.
"One thing only do I know, says Saint Paul, and that is Jesus and Jesus Crucified". (1 Cor. 2,2).
And Saint Augustine: "I know of no remedy more effective against the sins of the flesh (i.e. concupiscence) than the Passion of my Lord Jesus Christ".
Saint Bonaventure: "The Passion of Jesus dissolves in Divine Love even the most callous hearts of obstinate sinners".
Saint Albert the Great: "One gains more merits by meditating lovingly on the Passion than by scourging oneself most severely or Griasting on bread and water every day of one's life".
Always keep in mind the devotion of (King) Saint Louis to the Relics of the Passion. Saint Theresa of Avila began her spiritual ascent to high sanctity following a vision of Jesus after His Scourging and a glimpse of the "Ecce Homo"... behold also Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus contemplating the Holy Face.
Second only to the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the merits of which are applied to our souls and which truly renews before us, albeit in an unbloody manner, the Infinite Sacrifice of the Lamb of God on Calvary, the Holy Hour of Reparation and the Way of the Cross constitute the most effective practices regarding the Devotion of the Most Holy Passion of Jesus.
(FSSPX.News - 30/03/2018)